Our Low Rates Make Music Affordable for Everyone !



Our rentals rates include what customers may refer to as 'insurance', and music vendors refer to as M&R, LDR, or Administration fees. Our fee is just $3 per month, regardless of instrument, and is included in the rates shown. Some vendors quote a rental rate then add-on the fees of $4-$6 or more per month to your contract. These extra charges from other vendors can significantly raise your payments, and they may not be upfront with you about 'tacking them on' when you least expect it.

To get an accurate comparison - take the schools offer and then do the math.  We're sure you will agree that our rental program will simply give you a much better value for your money. 

There is no better way to get started with an instrument!


Our 3 Month Introductory Rate Gets You Started For Less!

Sometimes people get confused by our low cost 3 month introductory rates. Just remember the cost for the introductory period is the monthly cost during the first 3 months of rental, and you pay for the first 3 months when you pick up the instrument.  We want every child to have the opportunity to play an instrument.  This low cost allows every child to experience the thrill of playing a musical instrument- while keeping the cost to the parent to something very affordable.

So if you check our chart below you will see that you can rent a flute and other popular instruments for 3 full months for as much as 70% less than our competitors. 

All of our rental instruments are shown in the chart and represent a saving of 30%- 70% over the school rental programs.  Are instruments are approved and used in school districts in the Chicago area, as well as nationwide.  And of course your satisfaction is guaranteed.

3 Month
Introductory Rate
Per Month

Total 3 Month
Introductory Cost

Regular Monthly Rate
$5 per month

$15 Total

$5 per month

$15 Total

$5 per month

$15 Total

$5 per month

$15 Total

Percussion Kit
$5 per month

$15 Total

Drum Kit
$5 per month

$15 Total

Alto Sax
$20 per month

$60 Total

$20 per month

$60 Total

Tenor Sax
$25 per month

$75 Total

French Horn
$25 per month

$75 Total

$25 per month

$75 Total

Violin- All Sizes
$5 per month

$15 Total

Viola- All Sizes
$5 per month

$15 Total

Cello-All Sizes
$20 per month

$60 Total

Bass- limited availability-call




Check out all the instruments we rent at these pages.

Clarinet    Flute    Trumpet    Cornet    Trombone    Percussion Kit   
Snare Drum Kit 
Alto Sax    Oboe    Tenor Sax    French Horn    
Baritone    Violin    Viola    Cello



    Call 1-888-355-1404

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Naperville Music, Inc., Musical Instruments - Dealers, Naperville, IL
